Since I got my camera, I've been wanting to take photos of the freeway on a slow shutter speed to get the light trail effect. I had tried it on a point and shoot but it never turned out that well. Taking the bus back from work, it drove over the bridge near my house that crossed the freeway and gave me the idea. I would take it as the sun was setting giving awesome blues and oranges in the sky. Then, as it would be getting quite dark, the cars would have their lights on giving me the light trails I was after and the freeway flood lights would be lit, looking like a line of stars in the sky.
So one evening probably 1 to 2 months ago, I saw my perfect opportunity and quickly grabbed my camera and ran down to the freeway. This is one of the photos I took.
37mm (EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS) | 4.0sec | f/22 | ISO-100
One of the things people have been asking me is if photoshop the photos from my trip. And no, I don't really edit those photos that much. Just enhance colours and contrast etc. A lot of those who have asked, also comment on how they think it is bad that people photoshop photos. I used to think that way, but the more I have developed my own photos, I have come to realise it is a neccessary evil. At the end of the day, people are going to use what is available to create their art. The photo is just the base for something awesome. And to prove my point is the exact same photo below that has been "photoshopped". I think it looks pretty cool, don't you?
37mm (EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS) | 4.0sec | f/22 | ISO-100
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